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Welcome to Papyrus Adventures!

Updated: Mar 30

A short introduction to this blog and what you may expect in the future.

"Wait, what? You can tell the future?!", you ask. Not so fast. Disclaimer : I cannot and do not claim to be able to tell the future. Now that's out of the way, I will get to the point.

I'm here because I believe I can offer a piece or two of advice regarding specific topics I really have experience with. "Like what?", you ask. The short answer is: planning, packing, executing trips (including camping and road trips); expericiencing the world through a barefoot shoe lens (including running and hiking all year round).

The not so short answer is below this picture of a lovely stretch of an Atlantic coast:

A panoramic shot of a sandy pathway along the dunes next to a beautiful ocean. It is lovely to walk here barefoot.

Travel stories and tips

I moved across countries a few times in my life, for work and for fun. Traveling and moving have played a big part in my personal development, challenging me in many ways, some that I didn't see coming. I have really enjoyed the ride (still enjoying it right now!) and while I am happy where I live now, my curiosity to see the world and to explore nature, is still very much present for me. I have lots of tips about solo traveling, about traveling with a partner or moving across countries all by yourself. I love camping and don't do it as often as I maybe could, but I have stories to tell!

What about the barefoot shoe topic?

I always had trouble finding shoes I liked and felt comfortable with, or finding shoes that even fit me (I need a small shoe size, trust me). There was something that just didn't feel right, with all the shoes I ever had. But this changed about two years ago, when I met my now partner, who has been using barefoot shoes for at least 12 years now and his influence was pivotal for me, I have to admit - very happily!

After getting my first (but not last) pair of Xero sandals, I went on to casual, hiking and running barefoot shoes. That mind-blowing, super exciting and satisfactory, big change in my life, is what I want to tell you about, one blog post at a time. In real time, because I still consider myself a barefoot newbie. :)

Now what?

If you are interested in the topics I write about, I hope you'll stick around! Take a look at my blog posts, take a look at my Etsy and Ko-fi pages if you are so inclined, and let me know what you think. I also have a resources section. If you have any tips that I can learn from, resources for someone with small feet with an interested in keeping them strong and healthy, I'm all ears. Let's talk toes and travels!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu. So let's go. See you in the next one!



Hi there,
I'm Vitória.

I'm a curious cat living in Switzerland. Over ten years after flying off from Portugal, I still love traveling. My curiosity makes me chase different interests and hobbies and I write to share them - my transformative experience with barefoot shoes is an example. Follow along as I take on new adventures one step at a time!

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